VitaSana – Healthy Life

Check Up

Check Up is health screening for a person with no specific health problem by taking the age, genetic, and environmental factors, into consideration to diagnose the potential diseases early, and taking appropriate measures. Check Up ensures early diagnosis of diseases that can be treated at advanced stages. As such, treatment should be started in the shortest time possible.

On initial check-up the doctor will ask questions about medications taken, and past history of any diseases. Accordingly, scope of check-up is determined, and the doctor informs the patient about drugs that should be used or stopped, if any, before the check-up visit.

Duration of check-up may vary according to content of panel. Results are reported on the same day of examinations and/or following days depending on the items included in the panel.

Various Check Up Programmes are available, depending on the age, gender, genetic factors, lifestyle, and health history of the person. Risk factors of the patient are also taken into consideration