
Vita Facies – Life faces

Cheek Aesthetic

Hollywood cheek aesthetic remodels a U-shaped face into V-shape and makes cheekbones more distinct. Facial characteristics of a person are very important for his/her recognition in the society and differentiation from others.

The face is usually the first place that catches our attention when we meet a person. Although nose, mouth, cheeks, lips, eye color and hair are not examined separately at first, they serve for the beauty of the face as integral parts of it.

Cheek aesthetic surgery is a significantly easy surgery completed in thirty minutes using local anesthesia or under general anesthesia depending on the preference and general condition of the patient. Generally, experience of the surgeon in this field is of crucial importance. The size of the fat to be removed from the cheek area, its shape and remodeling of the chin to the desired shape, depends on the personal preparation of the cheek triangle prior to the operation. Particularly age, chin and cheekbone dimensions of the patient form the basis of the amount of fat to be collected.

We recommend the removal of cheek fats not before twenty or twenty-five years of age. Unless it is an extreme case, not removing the fat before 20 years of age is good to avoid future problems. Because thickness of the fat layers at this age starts to decrease in later years, this is why we recommend patients to be at a certain age. Genetic characteristics of the patient is also important for this procedure.

Hollywood cheek aesthetic, cheek aesthetic surgery, is performed under anesthesia or with sedation. In traditional method, operation is conducted only inside the mouth and there are no external scars. The external sides flatten due to the decreased amount of fat inside the cheek. This large fat mass is called Bichat fat pad and its anatomic location is predetermined by genetics. Therefore, its extent and direction will be decided by your aesthetic surgeon after your total examination. A personal planning must be performed.

There will be small sutures inside the mouth after cheek aesthetic. Therefore, liquid food should be preferred during the first day after the surgery. You can eat normal food during the late hours of the day, and you won’t have any problems with chewing slowly. As part of the sutures have a soft texture, patients do not feel pain and sometimes they even forget that they have sutures inside their mouths. Sutures inside the mouth will dissolve within a few days following the cheek aesthetic surgery, therefore, slight sensitivity felt in the cheek disappears within days.