
Vita Facies – Life faces

Eyebrow Lift

Eyebrow lifting, also known as forehead lifting, is an aesthetic surgery procedure designed to revive the face above one third or the area above eyebrows. The eyebrow lifting can raise and reshape the eyebrow to improve the shape and / or weight of the eyebrow or the prolongation of eyebrows.

Eyebrows are organs that have a huge impact on facial expression. It is preferred that the eyebrow, forehead, and eye regions are not separated from each other and wear away at the same time due to their proximity and due to their location. For this reason, eyebrow removal surgery is usually combined with upper eyelid aesthetic and forehead aesthetics.

  • No incision marks
  • No dressing and bandages
  • You can instantly engage in social life.
  • It is done in a short period of 10-15 minutes
  • No loss of sensitivity is experienced in skin texture
  • Thin lines disappear
  • Skin gains vitality and freshness.
  • The eyebrows will not fall again

Eyebrow removal can be applied to healthy men and women who are uncomfortable by a flat eyebrow and / or a brow that contributes to unwanted weight on the eye. Many patients of eyebrow lifting require information about upper eyelid surgery, initially known as blepharoplasty, because they suffer from the aesthetic problem that occurs in the upper eyelid region.

Patients may prefer deep sedation or general anesthesia. Local anesthesia can also be performed if approved by your doctor.