
Vita Cutis – Skin of Life

Cheek tightening

RF treatments can tighten loose skin in the cheek area. The surface area of a person’s jowls, or saggy skin below the cheeks, can be decreased after undergoing RF treatment.

Nasolabial folds, the indents on either side of the nose sometimes referred to as laughter lines, are also effectively treated. In fact, the tightening of the nasolabial folds following RF skin tightening is one of the most dramatic observations noted by researchers.

During RF treatment, current flows from the electrodes of an RF device into your skin, heating the tissues beneath to stimulate collagen and elastin production.

Sagging skin, wrinkles and fine lines are common issues that stem from genetics or photodamage caused by exposure to the sun. Over time, collagen, and elastin, two components present within your skin, break down and cause your skin to lose its elasticity.

During a radio frequency (RF) skin tightening procedure, heat is used to encourage the production of new collagen and elastin. The renewed production of these components helps to eliminate wrinkles and fine lines and tightens skin.

This procedure also triggers fibroplasia, the process in which the body forms new fibrous tissue and stimulates the production of collagen, causing collagen fibers to become shorter and more tense. At the same time, the molecules that make up collagen are left undamaged. Skin elasticity increases and loose, sagging skin is tightened.

During treatment, an RF skin tightening machine will send alternating currents from the tip of an electrode to your tissue at a frequency between 0.3 and 10 MHz. This process bypasses the amount of melanin pigment present in your outer layer of skin, making the treatment effective for all skin types and colors.

Periorbital skin tightening

Skin tightening can be used on the eyelids to decrease skin laxity. The eyes are protected from RF energy with special contact lenses worn during the noninvasive procedure. In some cases, a local anesthetic may be used in the periorbital region. Patients can expect mild to moderate improvement in the tightness of their eyelid skin.

Forehead and eyebrow skin tightening

Facials are effective in elevating the brow line. The procedure tightens the skin to pull back the eyebrows from the midpapillary line, or the center of the eye. The noninvasive process also gives the eyebrow a more natural, acute angle.

Cheek tightening

Treatments can tighten loose skin in the cheek area. The surface area of a person’s jowls, or saggy skin below the cheeks, can be decreased after undergoing RF treatment.

Facial rejuvenation of the cheeks via radiofrequency skin tightening is safe for all skin types. Studies have shown that skin laxity in the cheeks and neck is improved in 96% of patients following treatment.

Treatments use heat to damage the tissue beneath the epidermis without negatively impacting the outward appearance of the skin. In general, and with proper skin care, results last for two to three years.


As RF technology and treatment became better understood, dermatologists discovered that reducing the radio frequency reduced pain while still providing effective results.