
Vita Corporis – Life Body

Brazilian Butt Lift

Butt aesthetic is a form of butt lift and augmentation operation is the most natural way to provide for a younger, natural, and reformed look for the hips. In butt aesthetic, patient’s own fat is used to shape the hips as the fat is from the patient. The results are completely natural, and it won’t be understood that those flawless hips are operation results. Plus, VitaNova will consult with you for beginning-to-end solutions that will meet your expectations completely.

The fat collected from your regional fat depositions is transferred in the purest and most suitable fat-stem cell composition possible. This helps to achieve the longest lasting result.

The procedure is designed to fill the upper quadrant of your hips; this lifts the butt and makes it more prominent. Resulting effect makes your profile more attractive.

Only 33% of the extracted fat will be suitable for re-injection.Only the best donor fat cells are re-injected to your hips.

You don’t have to live with an undesired shape and volume.  This procedure is for everyone who complains about the look, position, volume, and tightness of their hips. Do not forget that this problem has a natural-looking, simple, and effective solution! VitaNova only partners with the clinics and selected hospitals that use the most advanced method for fat transfer to butt.


  • Tight and natural result
  • Refreshed look and healthy skin tissue
  • Fast recovery
  • Elimination of regional fat deposition
  • Balanced waist and hip curve

Healing and Results

The recovery period after butt lift depends on your age, your health status, physical condition, and environmental factors.

Procedure does not involve any sutures. It is performed through micro entries. You do not have to wear bandages.